Deborah J. Taylor is President and Director of the Faith Base Cause Initiative with her own company and also serves as VP & Columnist for Fresh Lifestyle Magazine. Deborah has specialized in business education, business development & marketing. She is a nationally renowned Professional Training Coach and has held several leadership positions from Executive Director to President.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Financial Education Services (FES) Exposed as a Career Opportunity
Financial Education Services or FES as a Career Opportunity is it real? If you are looking for a real opportunity with a real company and you want the truth, you will find it here. Financial Education Services was founded in 2004 originally with a focus primarily on credit repair or credit restoration, and launched the marketing of the protection plan thereafter. The company also has an amazing R&$ Club ( The company is solid, stable, debt free, has incredible owners and provides a great service that everyone needs and they know they need it. The compensation plan is the richest in the industry. Well FES is just getting started and I believe has a lot of business and just needs agents who want to participate.
Join FES! Join my team. It's been exposed as a great, tremendous opportunity.
Deborah J. Taylor is a Regional Sales Director with Financial Education Services. She holds a masters degree in Education and has spent 20 years in education, grants, management, marketing, training and leadership. She loves money and helping people!
Deborah J. Taylor
Call today for a free consultation for the services or opportunity.
Visit me on
To your massive success!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
United Credit Education Services (UCES) and having a great Credit Score with Credit Restoration
UCES has provided great services since 2004. Armed with a better business bureau rating of A+, UCES is known to be the fastest and most efficient in the industry. Don't let less than perfect credit haunt you. You can restore your score! Studies show that a person can save between $200,000 and a million dollars in a lifetime by improving their credit score.
Take advantage of this great service today! Don't delay.
Deborah J. Taylor
UCES National Account Executive
Monday, September 7, 2015
Community crowd funding review
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Fes featured on radio show with Deborah Taylor
Friday, September 4, 2015
Fes great benefits
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Fes R&R Club
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Curious about FES click Deborah Taylor's Virtual Business Card Through Mobiletivity
click here:
Add your contact information and stay connected.
Deborah J. Taylor
Regional Sales Director
Financial Education Services
Ditch da boss Forbes endorses network marketing
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Millionaire lifestyle event this Thursday, September 3
Protection plan membership with financial education services
Monday, August 31, 2015
Financial Education Services Review

Financial Education Services also known as FES is headquartered in Farmington Hills, MI and has approximately 7000 independent agents worldwide. The majority of the services offered by FES are proprietary products developed by FES. There are as well some partnerships most notably, LifeLock the number 1 provider of identity theft protection.
The founders of this company, Mike Toloff and Parimal Naik come from a very successful background relating to the financial services industry and over the last 30 years combined have taken what was once an operation ran from a small back room in a shopping mall to a state of the art facility with representation across the country
Financial Education Services Products
FES offers products in todays market place that everyone needs and they know they need them which makes for a great opportunity. The services wlll educate consumers on important factors related to financial literacy
It is this combination of products, service and education that has helped FES to become a powerhouse in the market place today and what separates them from their competition. When you educate your customer base you have a potential for not only referral business but as well retention of existing clients.
Financial Education Services products consist of Credit Restoration (credit repair), Positive Credit Building, Wills and Trusts and the exclusive core product the FES Protection Plan Membership that includes previous mentioned services along with DebtZero (Debt Pay-off System) and My Financial Lockbox, travel conscierge service and a total of 13 related products. We believe this is protection that pays!
Financial Education Services Business Model
The business model or distribution of these financial services is delivered through a network of independent distributors or what FES refers to as "Agents". Agents are compensated for the sale of these products and also have the ability to build teams of agents and receive overrides and bonuses based on their team production.
The business model is a form of MLM or as more commonly referred to as Network Marketing. FES has focused more on a hybrid concept however where corporate america meets entrepreneurship. It is more like running your own exciting agency. The unique thing about the FES model as that agent's can opt to simply sell the products and not participate in the team building aspect of the business although to maximizes the compensation plan you will want to participate in both sales of products as well as team building. FES also has the premiere fesuniversity! This training is top notch. Agents that join own a franchise type model and also serve as credit repair agents as they represent the non-profit united credit.
Should you consider Financial Education Services
Well let's examine the facts; it is estimated that over 50 million Americans have less than a 599 credit score (Sub-Prime Credit), 90% of the population does not have a will and trust combination, the average consumer household debt is approximately 20K with no plan in place to pay it off and identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America. With that being said, it's almost a certainty that most people know someone that can use the services that Financial Education Services provides.
The most likely candidates for the FES business opportunity are professionals in the financial services industry such as mortgage brokers and Real Estate professionals. There has also been a recent surge in interest from the insurance industry.
This opportunity just like any other home based business is great for anybody looking to enter the network marketing industry. There are no license requirements for the agents since FES is licensed and bonded in all 50 states including Puerto Rico.
The bottom line is if you're the type of persons that needs the services offered by FES, will to sharing products that can benefit others or enjoy working from home than the Financial Education Services opportunity could be right for you.
Deborah Taylor has been in the financial services industry Industry since 2004. Learn how you can build a successful business with the Financial Education Services Business Opportunity.
Reach Deborah Taylor at
Deborah Taylor
Regional Sales Director
Financial Education Services
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Financial Education Services Review by Deborah Taylor
Financial Education Services Review
Financial Education Services Review

So let’s get started.
Financial Education Services Leadership
Financial Education Services Compensation Plan
Financial Education Services Training System
Financial education service agent opportunities
Magazine highlights Financial Education Services
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Financial Education Services Agents wanted hiring now!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Take action!
Performance...“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.”
― Conrad Hilton
Monday, July 27, 2015
Credit and united credit education through financial education (FES) review
Sunday, July 26, 2015
United Credit Education Review: Credit Restoration or Credit Repair and Your Money
United Credit Education has been in existence since 2002 with an incredible 13 year track record all while maintaining great standing with the better business bureau in a highly regulated industry. The burden of proof is placed on the credit bureaus. Every item on your credit profile can be potentially deleted or updated to paid as agreed. Inaccurate, obsolete and outdated items can be updated or removed!
Having better credit will also help you save money and eliminate debt. You also receive education on how to handle credit cards, develop trade lines, utilize credit monitoring and more! How about access to a website to track your progress 24/7 and a live credit coach at the corporate office. At united credit education it's all included!
Having less than perfect credit can cost you between $200,000 to over a million dollars in your life time causing higher rates on insurance, credit card rates, employment decisions, and more! Improving credit is important, possible and plausible!
You may reach me for more information at 248-266-2906 or by email at
To your better credit and money.
Deborah J. Taylor
National Account Executive
United Credit Education
Farmington Hills, Michigan
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
FES Agent Position Opportunity Expanding Nationwide
Exciting seminars are available to provide more details. Contact soon for more information.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
My great experience at financial education services millionaire mentality boot camp
Saturday, April 18, 2015
FES is exploding!!
I have been invited to a TV Show live taping tomorrow to explain this phenomenal company. I will be featured on the Impact Network. The taping will take place at Union Second Baptist Church tomorrow19, 2015 April at 1:00 pm on the show, Beyond Church. The topic: "the Road to Great Credit, Money and Financial Freedom". Tune in or join us at 459 Beechwood Street, River Rouge, Mi 48219.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Friday, April 3, 2015
Your phone is your friend in mlm or network marketing
Thursday, April 2, 2015
ENERGY and it's importance
E in energy stands or electricity. Be electric in your life. Create sparks, change lives. Make things happen.
N in energy stands for noise. Make noise. Walk in a room and say hello. Smile. Be a energy bringer not an energy drainer.
E in energy stands or engagement and excitement! Have some excitement about life about people, etc.
R stands for Rise and Shine and Read. Readers are leaders. Read 10 pages in books a day and the net result is 12 books read or the year. The average person only reads one book after high school until they die. Eek!
G stands for go getter. Be a go getter and then you can be a go giver!
Y stands for Yes. Don't be afraid to try new things.
I'm a home based entrepreneur. Join me!
I'm expanding and looking for 20 new agents to mentor, train, build and develop!!
Your partner in success
Deborah J, Taylor
Reach me today before my spots fill up!
Monday, February 16, 2015
Credit tip: why you need great credit
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-563-0405.
Deborah Taylor
Regional sales director
Financial education services
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Can your credit be repaired?
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Recruit up!
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Why should you repair your credit
Deborah J. Taylor
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Protection That Pays
Be sure to visit and watch the short then full corporate overview. We are expanding and looking for agents but if nothing else get protection that pays.
Deborah J. Taylor
Regional Sales Director
Financial Education Services
Launch a business don't start a business
A great video to watch is
He exposed 700 people in short order. Launch a business and win!
Deborah J. Taylor
Regional Sales Director
Financial Education Services
Monday, February 9, 2015
Fes convention 2015 one for the ages
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Are Network Marketing Conventions Hype or Hope?
It is imperative or your business to show up for these events. There is hope but it is founded on a person going out and doing the work. The excitement or hype is based on the company promoting its success for the year and the upcoming goals for the next year.
This is your business in a MLM system. You can't miss the big events and expect your business to boom. It's network marketing not net play marketing and a big company event is essential. You can't go up if you don't show up.
So in conclusion, the national conventions for network marketing are hope. Hope is helping other people everyday. Give hope to yourself, to your business, your family, your team and future generations. If you do it right, commit to the big events and stay in the game, your hope may just become the best hype you've ever had (helping yourself and people evolve). Go for your MBA by attending the big conventions for your company. This MBA is a massive bank account.
To your massive success!
Deborah J. Taylor
Regional Sales Director
Financial Education Services
Visit Deborah at
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Top MLM or network marketing companies
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Financial Education Services (FES) Scam versus real opportunity
After my review, I decided to become an agent and have been one since 2012. The products and services work, the opportunity is great and what start out as a part time side income has become my primary source of income, from home with great tax benefits. See the full corporate overview by contacting Deborah for information.
To your massive success, Deborah Taylor
Visit Deborah at
Reach Deborah at 248-763-3414.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Financial Education Service (FES) is expanding accross the U.S. andsharp agents are wanted
Friday, January 30, 2015
Financial Education Services (FES) Review Credit Repair
This review is written to provide insight into a company that has a premier credit repair service along with other services such as identity theft, debt elimination software, will, trust and power of attorney and one of a kind protection plan membership. This company was founded in 2004 as united credit education but just launched the marketing arm, Financial Education Services (FES) with all the other products and services.
A great company, great owners, great compensation plan and unique to the market place hybrid marketing. The company has products and services everyone needs and very few have.
The Youth Literacy Foundation (YFL) ( is also unique. Protection plan members contribute each month to the YFL and in 2015 alone over $50,000 in scholarships will be given away to college bound students.
What a great company. I recommend FES.
Visit Deborah Taylor at
FES Review and FES Convention 2015
Quick FES review: FES is an unique wealth development company and professional development company with a compensation plan tied to it. It has all the elements of a successful company: products and services everyone needs and very few have, limited competition, unique, quality service, debt free, great training system, great leaders, great marketing tools, great residual incomeetc. The company is very strategic and goes slow to improve fast. The leaders are exceptional, the company founders are great business leaders, not MLM or hype heads.
I recommend this company because it is perfect to the market place in the toughest economic downturn in history helping people on the road to recovery with essential services. Learn more by visiting: or contact me at 248-763-3414
Deborah J. Taylor
Financial Education Services (FES)
Regional Sales Director
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
United credit works
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Financial Education Services (FES) and United Credit
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Financial Education Services and Your Money 2015
To your massive success!
I love you for reading!
Deborah J. Taylor